Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (2024)

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (1)

Ok, let’s just get this out of the way, LOL! I LOVE potato chips and I don’t believe there is a day that goes by that I don’t eat some. There! I have admitted to my biggest weakness for not being able to lose weight! So, I ask myself, “Can I find a healthier version of chips?” “Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier?”

And, this is where this post has developed from and hopefully I can help other chip addicts like myself!

One day at a time is what I remind myself on this journey of becoming a healthier person. Because, is it possible to continue to enjoy snacking, but yet not have potato chips? I know that some individuals do not have a problem with eating too many chips, like my husband.

He can pass them up and not look back, lol! But, not me! So, this is why my husband is skinny and I can’t get any weight off.

Maybe, this is why Gerald began this new blog about fitness! LOL, to help his chip addicted wife! However, I do have to admit that I am trying to find chip replacements and these plantain chips maybe the answer.

So, enjoy all these questions and maybe we can help you to become the best that you can be too.

And, remember to take it “ONE DAY AT A TIME” on this journey to a healthier you!

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (2)

“Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier?”

What are plaintains?

A plantain is a member of the banana family with a different flavor that originated from Latin America. They are larger in size than regular bananas and have a thick skin. Also, they have more starch and are lower in sugar than regular bananas. Green plantains are not ripe yet, but turn yellow, then dark, as they ripen. And, they can be purchased at most local grocery stores.

What are the nutritional values of plantains?

The nutritional value of plantains are a better choice than regular potato chips. They have a good source of dietary fiber, less sodium, excellent daily vitamin count, fewer calories, essential mineral intake, and higher grams of protein, and less fatty acids.

1 serving size or 1 cup of baked yellow plantain contains:

  • 239 calories
  • 57.5 grams of carbs
  • 2.1 grams of protein
  • 0.2 grams of fat
  • 3.06 grams of fiber

Essential Vitamins:

Vitamin A 62.6 mcg

Vitamin C 22.8 mg

Vitamin B 60.29 mg

Potassium 663 mg

Magnesium 57 mg

Vitamin E 0.25 mg

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (3)

“Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier?”

These tasty treats are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can contribute to your overall well-being. Loaded with potassium, plantain chips help regulate blood pressure and maintain proper heart function. They also contain Vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining healthy vision and supporting a strong immune system.

In addition to their vitamin content, plantain chips are a great source of dietary fiber. Fiber plays a vital role in digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. It also helps you feel fuller for longer, making it easier to manage your appetite and avoid overeating.

Plantain chips are made from natural ingredients, free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and excessive sodium. Which makes these chips the perfect snack foods.

What are the health benefits of plantains?

Plantains are a healthier alternative to the traditional potato chips. Unlike other types of chips, plantains have less sodium intake, higher milligrams of vitamin c, and have less calories per standard serving of plantain chips. Here are some health benefits that COULD happen, but always check with your doctor:

  • reduce heart disease
  • boost immune system from the Vitamin A
  • lower high blood pressure due to the Potassium
  • help with weight loss by helping you to feel fuller for longer and to avoid overeating
Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (4)

“Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier?”

Do plantains have a low fat content?

In addition to their unique flavor and texture, plantain chips have another advantage over classic potato chips: their lower fat content. While potato chips are known for their high fat content, plantain chips provide a healthier alternative without compromising on flavor or satisfaction.

Not only do plantain chips offer a lower fat content, but they also contain essential vitamins that contribute to a well-rounded part of a balanced diet. These vitamins include Vitamin A, Vitamin C and potassium, which are all crucial for maintaining good health and supporting various bodily functions.

So, for those seeking a great healthy snack to enjoy, plantain chips are a fantastic choice. Not only do they offer a heartier crunch and a delightful natural sweetness, but they also provide a lower fat content compared to their potato counterpart.

Do plantains contain only natural ingredients?

Plantain chips not only offer a healthier alternative to traditional potato chips, but they also boast a natural and clean ingredient list.

As we take a closer look at this great alternative to potato crisps or potato chips we find that plantain chips have no preservatives, no added sugars, no artificial flavors or colors like the regular potato chips. More importantly, opting for snacks with no artificial additives means avoiding potential health risks associated with consuming synthetic ingredients. Artificial additives have been linked to various health concerns, like allergies, migraines and digestive issues.

Taste and texture of plantains

When you bite into a plantain chip, you are met with a satisfying crunch of a delicious snack. This texture is achieved through the process of frying thinly sliced plantains to a golden brown. Cutting each chip into a thin slice is key! If you are making your own homemade plantain chips, the cooking method can vary. You can fry the plantain chips or you can bake them in a single layer in the oven. Both results in the perfect crispy chip that is sure to curb your snack cravings.

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (5)

Snack smart: Making the healthier choice

One of the key advantages of plantain chips over potato chips lies in their preparation. Unlike potato chips that are typically deep-fried in unhealthy oils, plantain chips are often baked or lightly fried with a healthier alternative such as olive oil or coconut oil. This reduces the calorie and fat content of the chips.

What are the ingredients in making my own plantain chips?

These homemade plantain chips are becoming popular snacks in the United States. They are a healthier option to regular potato chips and with different seasonings you can have a wide variety of flavors.

  • ripe plantains
  • sea salt
  • olive oil, vegetable oil or avocado oil (or any healthy oil)

Plantain chips vs potato chips Q&A’s!

Are plantain chips healthier than potato? Yes, they have less fat, calories are either baked or cooked in healthier oils.

What do plantains taste like? There is a mild sweetness that comes thru the chip.

What chips are best for low carb? For a low carb diet, the best chip are pork rinds, because they have no net carbs.

What chips have no carbs? Pork rinds have no net carbs and are low carb friendly.

What is good to dip plantain chips in?You can dip plantain chips in guacamole, black bean dip, salsa, ranch, or queso cheese dip.

What goes with plantain chips? Plantain chips can be served as a side dish to any of your favorite meals, like sandwiches, hamburgers, ribs, pork chops or served as an appetizer with a dip.

Are plantains good or bad carbs? Plantain chips do have carbohydrates, but a healthier version of carbs instead of regular potato chips.

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (6)

What is the main ingredient in plantain chips? Plantains, salt and oil.

What makes plantain chips crunchy?Plantain chips are either baked or fried in a healthier oil than potato chips. Frying or baking these thinly sliced chips will make them have a crunchier texture.

How healthy are plantain chips? Plantain chips are full of vitamins and minerals, so they are a healthier alternative to some salty snacks on the market.

Are plantain chips made from bananas? No, they are made from plantains which do look like bananas, but do not taste the same as bananas.

Why are plantain chips not sweet? They do have a mild sweetness, but any flavor can be added when you make the homemade plantain chips.

Are plantain chips vegan?Yes, plantain chips are vegan, because they do not contain any animal products.

Are plantain chips keto-friendly? No, plantain chips are not keto-friendly, because they do have more net carbs than is allowed on the keto diet.

What are the healthiest chips to snack on? Plantain chips or sweet potato chips are the healthiest chips to snack on, because they are just fruit or vegetable and oil.

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (7)

Are plantain chips gut friendly? Yes, plantain chips are a great high-fiber foods. Fiber plays a vital role in digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. It also helps you feel fuller for longer, making it easier to manage your appetite and avoid overeating.

Do plantain chips lower blood pressure? Plantain chips are loaded with essential nutrients and minerals like potassium, which help regulate blood pressure and maintain proper heart function.

Do plantain chips cause bloating? If you are not used to eating a lot of fiber, then you could become bloated and have some gas by eating plantain chips.

How do you store plantain chips? Store plantain chips in an airtight container or Zip-loc bag at room temperature.

Do plantain chips have eggs?No, plantain chips are dairy free.

Do plantain chips have gluten? Plantain chips are gluten free, so those individuals who have gluten sensitivities can enjoy these plantains chips.

So, next time that you are tempted to grab a salty snack, i.e. potato chips, grab some crispy plantain chips instead! Or, even choose chips that are made from sweet potatoes, these too are a better option than regular potato chips.

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (8)
Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (9)
Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (10)

Posted By: Leah Keller · In: Nutrition

Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle (2024)


Plantain Chips vs Potato Chips: Which are Healthier? - The Ultimate Fit Lifestyle? ›

Typically, plantain chips are a great source of fibre and other nutrients like potassium and sodium, and provide more vitamins A and C than potato chips. Purely Plantain Chips provide 12 percent of your daily vitamin A recommendation and 16 percent of your suggested vitamin C!

What is healthier, plantain chips or potato chips? ›

Plantain chips contain more vitamins A and C than potato chips, and they are high in fiber. They are also a source of Omega-6, the healthy fatty acid.

Which is healthier, plantains or potatoes? ›

Cooked plantains are nutritionally very similar to a potato, calorie-wise, but contain more of certain vitamins and minerals. They're a rich source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B-6, and the minerals magnesium and potassium. This hidden superfood warrants a trip your local grocery.

Is it okay to eat plantain chips everyday? ›

Plantain chips are a lot like potato chips or sweet potato chips. Most plantain chips are fried, rather than baked, which means that they're rich in fat as well as carbohydrates. While plantain chips are a source of some vitamins and minerals, like potato chips, they should be consumed in moderation.

Are plantain chips good for gut health? ›

Plantains provide the gut with prebiotics

The fiber in plantains is important for overall digestive health, but it also serves as a prebiotic for beneficial gut bacteria, says Mia Syn, RDN, a registered dietitian in Charleston, South Carolina.

Can I eat plantains everyday? ›

People can eat plantains as part of a healthful diet. They are high in carbs, however, so if a person is trying to manage their weight, they should be aware of portion size. Also, it may be preferable to bake or boil plantains rather than frying them.

Is plantain chips junk? ›

Roasted plantain chips can be a healthy snack if you don't overdo it. They're lower in fat than regular chips and have good things like fiber and vitamins. But some store-bought ones can be high in salt and unhealthy fats, so check the label. Making your own or choosing lightly seasoned kinds can be better.

Are bananas healthier than plantains? ›

Which is healthier? Neither the banana nor the plantain is superior to the other nutritionally, as they are both nutrient-rich foods. However, cooking methods can affect the nutritional content of these fruits. This has less to do with the fruit itself and more to do with what you're adding to it.

Are sunchips healthier than potato chips? ›

In the end, then, "Sun Chips may be a marginally better choice than some potato chips due to whole grains and potentially less fat, but they are not necessarily 'healthy' overall due to their processing and ingredients," says Messer.

Is popcorn healthier than chips? ›

They found that 15 calories of popcorn were as filling as 150 calories of potato chips ( 18 ). Because of its low calorie content, low energy density, high fiber content and increased satiety, eating popcorn may help you eat fewer calories and lose weight.

Are fried plantain chips healthier than potato chips? ›

Typically, plantain chips are a great source of fibre and other nutrients like potassium and sodium, and provide more vitamins A and C than potato chips. Purely Plantain Chips provide 12 percent of your daily vitamin A recommendation and 16 percent of your suggested vitamin C!

Are plantain chips anti-inflammatory? ›

In particular, plantains are decent sources of magnesium, potassium (more than bananas), vitamin A, and vitamin K, and supply some vitamin C and B vitamins, such as thiamin and riboflavin. Plantains also contain flavonoids and phenols—antioxidants that help control inflammation.

What are the benefits of eating plantain chips? ›

Plantain chips contain slightly less fat than potato chips, at 17 grams compared to potatoes chips' 21. Plantain chips offer more vitamins A and C compared to potato chips. Both vitamins help keep your skin healthy and benefit your immune system to keep you free of infection.

Which is healthy potato chips or banana chips? ›

Nendran Banana chips are a healthier and more nutritious alternative to potato chips. They are low in calories and fat, rich in nutrients, free from additives and preservatives, and easy to digest.

What is the unhealthiest potato chip? ›

Potato chips from brands known for excessive salt, saturated fats, and artificial additives tend to be less healthy. Examples include Lay's, Pringles, and Ruffles.

Is it okay to eat plantain chips at night? ›

Plantain chips are a good snack before bed if you feel hungry because they are a resistant starch that many people like and tolerate. Resistant starch doesn't overload the body with a bunch of sugar at one time, like other starches or simple carbohydrates can do.

Are plantains healthier than bananas? ›

Plantains vs bananas: nutrition

The starch in plantains is high in nutrients and – as long as you cook them properly – you can eat more plantains than bananas in a serving. They are used in more savoury dishes, while bananas are cooked in recipes that call for even more sugar, making plantains overall a bit healthier.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.