Correspondence Courses- Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, Xuan Kong Da Gua, Chinese astrology and more (2024)

I am enjoying your FS course very much. Every lesson I learn creates aneagerness to learn the next. You have done a wonderful job in creating acourse that is not only clear, concise and understandable, but also a greatpleasure to take.

Catherine Murphy,
New Zealand

Dear Master Yu,
your Intermediate Level Course is excellent indeed. I finished it with greatenthusiasm. It contains a very essential knowledge of Feng Shui. It isconcise and straight to the point. Again it is loaded with key concepts.I've read through the course several times. Each time it clarified me with anew level of understanding. I'm very grateful to the course.
I am preparing myself for the Advanced Level Course.

Soreiyos Yip,

I've finished your Advanced level of the Feng Shui course and have made alist of questions for you. However, as I read the course over two or threetimes, I find the answers to most of the questions.
I have audited my home and decided to only make one change at a time andwatch for the results. Of course I worked on the money portion first andfound results in less then 2 weeks. My wife and I are quite excited.

David Zuvic,

Master Yu
Thank you again for the opportunity to study with you through thecorrespondence course. Your approach is very organized and verythorough.

As a city planner, I appreciate the scientific elements of feng shui, whichare so often forsaken. A course that I previously took in the "Tibetan/Tantric" methods becomes increasingly ridiculous.

As a Taoist/ and Kung Fu practitioner I also appreciate your focus ontraditional Chinese philosophy, including the five elements, the ba gua,etc. Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and Feng Shui are inextricably tied to theseconcepts. The development of pseudo feng shui, and its departure fromtraditional philosophy, is parallel to the Korean martial arts.

When the Chinese shared fighting techniques with Japanese and Koreans, onlythe basics were shared. Thus, these arts lost much of their conceptualframeworks and were reduced to punches and kicks. Lost were the use ofhealing herbs, Chi-Kung, and many important matters pertaining to the fiveelements. Now, as you know, the Karate style schools are mostly babysittingclasses.

Please keep up the good work. I will be sending payment shortly for theintermediate class materials.

Derek Chisholm,
Your grateful student

Thank you for your recent transmission of Feng Shui Elementary Level. It istruly fantastically clear and helpful. Your clarity of written expression iswhat makes your text superior to all other feng Shui texts I have read. Youhave truly demystified the process. You are a blessed and wise man. Thankyou. I am really appreciative.

Ricardo Rene Laremont,

I am writing to let you know how much I have enjoyed your Beginner Level FengShui course. It was easy to understand, yet challenging. Your comments inresponse to my course work helped me to expand my way of thinking about aparticular task. And the manner in which you commented was constructive,rather than criticizing, making me more excited about starting the nextlesson.

As a teacher of Chinese kung fu, I know the importance of having a lessonplan that helps students progress in the proper order. Regardless of thetopic, any course must provide thorough training in the basics for studentsto comprehend the more advanced material. And I feel that your BeginnerLevel course has provided me the basics I needed to successfully advance inmy study of Feng Shui. Thank you very much.

Sifu William "Bill" Vardeman,
Founder Golden Talon Kung Fu

I am extremely impressed with this user friendly course. This is the firsttime Feng Shui has made comprehensible sense to me. The method you haveemployed is beginning to alleviate the confusion caused by all theconflicting information and psycho-babble available at most bookstores. Irealize that I will not become an expert overnight, but I now have theopportunity to become proficient over time because information previouslyunavailable is now in my possession. What you have accomplished ismagnificent.


I can personally say that Master Yu's correspondence courses are absolutelythe best investment anyone can make for their dollar, mark, peso, yen, formof currency. I have studied with another Feng Shui Master. I left his classwith far more questions than I had answers for and feeling like I had justspent a considerable amount of money to be left alone with questions and nosolid awareness of how to use Feng Shui in my life. I was left feelingunsure about everything.

Now I have begun Master Yu's correspondence courses. They are absolutelygreat, taking me at a nice slow steady pace that I feel comfortable with. Ifeel as though I will really understand Feng Shui when I have completedMaster Yu's classes. I heartily recommend them to all."

Alaska, USA

Congratulations for producing a superb course - precise, concise and aninspiration - I will spread the word!

Paula Penn,

Master Yu's entire approach to Feng Shui as reflected in his home page waswhat prompted me to enrol for his courses. His comments and opinions hadcorrected many of my earlier misconceptions of the subject but moreimportant they (the comments/opinions) showed that Feng Shui, despite beingan ancient "science", is very relevant to present day living if one appliesits principles in a logical and practical manner. Every recommendation andremedy comes with an explanation, which to "doubting thomases" like me is ofprime importance.

Finally, I do not think there is any other feng shui course which allows youunlimited opportunity to seek clarification and also send your work forcomments. Even if there is, one would have to pay hefty fees on a perquestion basis (surf the net and you will come across instances of this).This facility accorded my Master Yu proves his genuine desire to reallyteach the subject as oppose to others who are commercially motivated.

Alex Cheong,

Thanks for the notes - they are absolutely brilliant. I have done 3elementary courses, 2 of which I went to London to do, I came back from eachone not feeling happy within myself with what they tried to get across to us- too intuitive and to a point not scientific enough for me. Anyway yourexplanations are great and far more logical for my way of thought.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Dear Joseph,

I have finished the intermediate course and I think I have grasped most ofit. I keep testing myself and going back through the lessons to make surethat I understand. I have also made copies of the charts and tables and havenow laminated them so that I can keep them with me and have easy referenceto them. There have been a few times when I have considered emailing youwith a query but have thought about your words that it is intuition andcommon sense and not parrot fashion learning, I have then come to a sensibleconclusion to my query. I am so impressed with you course. It really doesexplain everything if you read it thoroughly and think properly. Finally, Ihave been looking at your website and am feeling a bit jealous. Do you thinkyou might come over to England on your travels? It would be great to come toone of your seminars!


I would like to thank you for the opportunity to learn feng shui. Yourmaterials are clear and concise and explain the principles as well as how itrelates to this day and age as opposed to an earlier time, and I find thisrefreshing. I am currently enrolled in college and I wish my other classeswere as clear in explaining things.

California, USA

It's really really great stuff that you did with your correspondence course!I just looked over it and I found lots of things I wanted to know alreadyfor a longer while.

Juergen Schnitzler,

I enjoyed reading the course material and I found it to be more structuredthan most books and the courses that I have attended.


I am so amazed by all the incredible information you have made available onthe internet. I am one of your students, and I regularly go to your page tosee if there has been a new lesson added. I'm just so thankful to peoplelike yourself who spend much of their time and effort to learn somethingwell and then share it with others by writing a book or teaching it. SoThank You, Joseph. I appreciate it.

Utah, USA

I just want to let you know how important feng shui is to me at the moment.Not only do I want to successfully audit my own home, but I want toestablish my career in this field. I also want to let you know how valuableI have found our correspondence so far. In fact, I have printed out theletters and will bind them as a separate volume.


The aquarium I've placed in the 7-3-7 sector of my house seems to be workingwell for our family. My family is very happy about the results it broughtus, especially even through the times of this Asian Economic Crisis.


I want to let you know that after all of the Feng Shui books that I havebought and the other courses I have taken, I have been thoroughly impressedwith the manner, respect, dignity and above all, clarity of your lessons.

Minneapolis, USA

I enjoyed the web page and enrolled in the Feng Shui course. I've read 4books on Feng Shui from a local bookstore, but this course is great!! I'llbe back often on the Web Site and plan to complete the complete program ofFeng Shui courses... Thanks for the opportunity.

Oklahoma, USA

I am really enjoying the lessons, only wish you were teaching me in person,that way I could really pick your brain and have a better feel for it. Itend to do better having somones feel rather than just words... but you havegood words so I have no complaints at all. Thanks for everything sofar.

I went to the Feng Shui conference in New Mexico. It was quite anexperience. I did not agree with the majority of their beliefs and was quitedisillusioned with them. I thought about you and what you have taught me andhow I have agreed with everything that you have said. I would not even letthem certify me through their school. So I suppose I am a dedicated studentof yours! The conference seemed like an almost joke to me and if you hadbeen there I think you would have been appalled.

Houston, USA

I think the lessons are great. Let me know when the elementary level iscoming to a close so I can send you money for the mid level... Some of thequestions that you pose seem ahead of the particular lesson. Like question 5in lesson 6. Are you wanting us to just have fun placing rooms or did I misssome of the interior design classes? I really do like the way you areteaching, some of the questions make my brain and intuition ponder for quitea while. This form of Feng Shui seems to be at the grass roots level whichis the most informative.

Guy Mayer,
Arizona, USA

How many books have you already read about feng shui? Can you tell that thebooks are good? Can you believe in most authors? Or are you confused? MasterJoseph Yu's feng shui courses are the best way to learn the technique offeng shui. The lessons are written in simple language, have a greatknowledge, and offer to people around the world, the true and genuine fengshui. What more do I need to say? Only, that Master Joseph Yu is making thisworld better with his courses and work. Who can claim more?

Raul de Soroa,
Practitioner, Brazil

Your course work is extremely interesting and I hope to continue throughadvanced.


Just reading them once so far, the concepts are really well explained and thegraphics help a lot. So far this is the best explanation I have had, theclearest and easiest to understand of the 5 elements.


The lessons I like very much. The information is very clear and substantial,and I like the way you present it - it really helps me to systematise myknowledge about the subject matter.


Yes, I am dedicated to learning and practising the art and science of fengshui. I feel priviledged to learn from some- one who exposes quackering andpseud-feng shui and teaches authentic methods. I am thrilled at the progressI have made and think your courses are very good.

Correspondence Courses- Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, Xuan Kong Da Gua, Chinese astrology and more (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.